The actualized radon index maps of the Czech Republic on a scale 1 : 50 000


Ivan Barnet, Petra Pacherová, Libuše Smyčková

Geoscience Research Reports 45, 2012 (GRR for 2011), pages 156–161

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The research programmes performed in period 2008-2010 have confirmed the close relationship of radon concentrations in Quaternary sediments and their underlying rocks. The ArcGIS based combination of radon index of generalized deeper basement rock types and areal extent of Quaternary cover enabled to divide the formerly used intermediate category of radon index into three categories low, medium and high. The intermediate category was previously used for Quaternary sediments, where 52 % of urban areas are situated. The supplementary soil gas radon measurements led to increasing the radon index of Neoproterozoic olistostromes from low to medium radon index, whilst the medium radon index of Moldanubian mica-schists was confirmed. The actualized radon index maps on a scale 1 : 50 000 are published on Map Server of the Czech Geological Survey for public information, for municipal authorities' decisions and for governmental bodies responsible for the Action Plan of Radon Programme (2009-2019) of the Czech Republic.