Palaeontological investigation of the Brloh locality in the Železné hory area (Lipoltice Formation, Lower Ordovician)


Petr Budil, Michal Mergl, Daniel Smutek

Geoscience Research Reports 49, 2016, pages 149–156
Map sheets: Čáslav (13-41)

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Published online: 12 August 2016

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A new preliminary palaeontological investigation in the Chrudim Paleozoic (East Bohemia, Železné hory Highland) south-west of the Brloh village confirmed earlier published data on the occurrence of rich but low-diversity obolid, lingulid and orthid brachiopod associations. In comparison with previous investigations, however, very scarce trilobite remains were discovered. Brief lithological and palaeontological descriptions of the outcrop are presented.
The greywacke-siltstone dominated succession is replaced by silty claystone in upper levels of the section. Fossils are present both in red-coloured or variegated fine-grained greywacke and in claystone but they are limited on several centimetres to decimetres thin layers only. The fossils are commonly distorted and flattened (affected by anchimetamorphism) but they are determinable and, in rare cases, show even fine morphological details. In agreement with earlier interpretations, the composition of brachiopod associations (Hyperobolus sp., Lingulella cf. wirthi (Barrande, 1848), Angusticardinia zelenkai (Prantl and Růžička, 1941) and Hesperonomiella (?) tenera Havlíček, 1949) shows a close relation to comparable Tremadocian or Floian associations of the Prague Basin. The brachiopod valves are locally accumulated and form lumachella. Two main problems of the Chrudim Paleozoic are (1) a poor documentation of outcrops that excludes their exact identification in the field, (2) burying of vast majority of outcrops during the last eighty years.


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