Specific of the wetlands and pollen analysis on the map sheet Velhartice


Eva Břízová

Geoscience Research Reports 49, 2016, pages 107–112
Map sheets: Sušice (22-31)

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Published online: 13 August 2016

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The biostratigraphical research of organic sediments on the geological map at a scale of 1 : 25 000 Velhartice (22-313) has brought some interesting results. It is a territory situated in western Bohemia, in the area of Pošumaví (Fig. 1). The studied sediments were laid down in small, very shallow wetlands and often come into being in the spring areas of rivers and brook headstreams on the bedrock formed mostly by paragneiss. The samples for pollen analysis were collected in the area of Kepelské Mokřady Wetlands (SH438) and an informative sample was taken southeast Svojšice (SH230, Figs 2-4). Besides providing data for geological mapping, the pollen analysis also focussed on the palaecological, climatic and stratigraphical points of view. The sediments of the Kepelské Mokřady Wetlands occur in the vicinity of the municipalities of Velhartice, Hartmanice and Keply. They lie in the spring area of the Ostružná River which belongs to the Křemelná River basin. The informative sample SH230 was taken south-east of Svojšice. The plant associations indicate Upper Holocene age (younger Subatlantic X). The pollen spectrum character (see Fig. 5) corroborates the age of the deposited sediment as the youngest phase of the younger Subatlantic X, (the stratigraphy based on Firbas 1949, 1952 - see Břízová 2012a, b, Břízová 2014, Veron et al. 2014). The sediments can be more accurately dated to the period of the 18th-20th centuries, as it is indicated by the pollen spectrum (Figs 6-8). The results of palynological study bring new information about the territory situated in the altitudes of less than 1 000 m. The pollen analysis and geological mapping modify also the name of the part of the Kepelské wetlands as a raised transitional bog. It is in such a phase of development in which it may contain both the features of raised bog and fen and therefore it is not possible to assign it unambiguously to the raised bog category.


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