Genesis and evolution of the Matějovická cave in the Amalínská vrchovina highland in Osoblažsko region


Jan Lenart, Kristýna Schuchová, Kateřina Steblová

Geoscience Research Reports 49, 2016, pages 129–136
Map sheets: Osoblaha (15-12)

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Published online: 12 August 2016

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The Matějovická Cave is a small underground cavity in the north-eastern portion of Czechia, near the town of Osoblaha (Fig. 1). The cavity is formed in the western steep slope, 20-30 m above the bottom of the Hrozová valley. It is formed in the Cenomanian sandstones with subhorizontal layering stratification and transversal subvertical ruptures (NNE-SSW, NW-SE). The system of several short corridors and two bigger chambers is 25 m long and might be also used as an underground sand pit. The corridors are terminated by phreatic channels (fig. 3). The ceiling is formed by lower bedding planes, the bottom is filled by debris and sand. Two main chambers are disrupted by several transversal ruptures, which are gravitationally widened and filled with sand (Fig. 4). The entrance chamber is disrupted by a distinct weak tectonic zone with petrographical attributes different from the surrounding rock. We identified the Liesegang rings within this structure. The differences in composition are detectable between the samples from the cavity and from the superficial environment. The samples from the cavity contain contact clay mineral matrix without cement whereas the sample from the superficial environment contains clay minerals matrix with calcareous contact or overgrowth cement (Fig. 5). The investigated cavity should be considered a pseudokarst cave, which was discovered during historical mining works. The cave was formed by the erosion of incoherent sandstones by groundwater permeating into the massif along ruptures and bedding planes after the onset of the incision of the Hrozová River during the Alpine orogeny. The resulting corridors and chambers were anthropogenically modified. The jointed massif is affected by gravitational movements. The cave is now fossilized, and the active development is limited to the inflow of melting water and rainwater. The cave is a combination of fissure and bedding cave types (Vítek 1978) or fluvial channel erosion cave combined with exfoliation cave (Bella - Gaál 2013).


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