Slope deformations map along highway D8 between the villages of Dobkovičky and Prackovice nad Labem


Jan Klimeš

Geoscience Research Reports 51, 2018, pages 201–205

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Published online: 31 October 2018

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The presented landslides inventory map was compiled during a study prepared for the Czech Ministry of Transportation. The main objective of the survey and the investigation was to identify and analyze the causes and processes resulting in a large landslide (June 2013) which damaged 200 m of the almost completed highway leading through volcanic rocks of the České středohoří Mts.
The aim of the landslide inventory mapping was to describe recent distribution and state of activity of all types of landslides within the broader surrounding of the landslide from 2013. Topographic maps of a scale of 1 : 10,000, and a detailed digital elevation model derived from LiDAR data were used during the survey. The study area occupies mostly the east-facing slope of the Elbe River, and its uppermost part is built of volcanic rocks (basalts) overlying the Mesozoic sediments consisting mostly of claystones and limestones.
Since the 1970s it has been known that virtually the whole studied area was affected by deep-seated rock block spreading slope deformations including a variety of shallower landslides.
Regardless of this knowledge and other aspects, the strategically important highway was constructed across this area that is highly vulnerable to landslides and slope deformations. Its completion was seriously affected and delayed by the 2013 landslide followed by subsequent high cost remedial works. The recent field mapping was carried out in March and April 2016, and its results confirmed the already known fact that the area is susceptible to the development of a variety of landslides and slope deformations including deep-seated rock block spreading, shallow to medium-deep landslides and rock falls.
Their origin is not accidental, and it is obvious that the deep-seated deformations create favorable conditions for the formation of other types of landslides on steep slopes that develop on scarp areas or at the slopes base.
Another important landslide occurrence conditions are accumulations of groundwater, deep-ward erosion caused by a surface streams, and changes in slope stability conditions caused by quarrying. Large number of mapped landslides exhibits evidences of recent activity underlying the high dynamics of slope development within the study area, which is also strongly affected by operations in one of the quarries.
Therefore, due to these ongoing changes in the slope environment (e.g. stream erosion, quarrying and other anthropogenic activities), it is important to consider the presented map as historical landslide inventory which needs to be updated to provide reliable information about stability conditions of the study area in the future.


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