Assessment of the spongilitic marlstone building blocks from the Slaný historical city walls


Petr Brotan, Miroslava Gregerová

Geoscience Research Reports 50, 2017, pages 9–16

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Published online: 17 April 2017

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The Slaný region does not belong among the most remarkable or the best known occurrences of spongilitic marlstones (an equivalent of the Czech term for “opuka”, a sediment of Cretaceous period), but in spite of that it provides enough appropriate material worth to be studied. The collected samples come from the remnants of historical fortifications of the city, i.e. walls, towers and bastions that were preserved both aboveground and underground and made accessible due to archaeological exploration. The fortification was built shortly after founding of the town in the early 14th century. Spongilitic marlstone was the major building stone, while sandstone was used for construction of only some sections of the fortification.
The present paper gives an overview of the results of petrographic and geochemical studies of spongilitic marlstone building blocks from the mentioned fortification. The examined building blocks were also compared with rocks from quarries that could have been extracted in the past (Fig.6). The studied sets of samples, based on their microscopic characteristics (relative proportions of silica and carbonate) can be divided into two groups. The first one is represented by spongilitic marlstone with greater proportion of clastic components (quartz, feldspars, mica), while the second group contains more carbonate component and their overall composition is close to limestones (cf. Konta 1973). According to normative mineralogy, plagioclases dominate, whereas K-feldspar does not occur in the group of feldspars. Quarries of this rock at Přední Kopanina and Přibylov were also compared. While normative composition of these rocks from the Slaný region is highly variable, the rocks from the compared quarries show relatively similar composition having lower proportion of carbonates.
Consequently, it is thought that the large part of spongilitic marlestones used in construction of the Slaný fortification was supplied from the former quarries of "Háje" and "Za Klášterem" which could have provided up to 110,000 cubic meters of the building stone.


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