Publisher © Czech Geological Survey, ISSN: 2336-5757 (online), 0514-8057 (print)

Pleistocene molluscs of the upper part of a sequence on the Kurovice klippen slope (central Moravia)


Jiří Kovanda

Geoscience Research Reports 39, 2006 (GRR for 2005), pages 75–78

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The article provides paleo-ecologic analysis of fossil molluscan assemblages from a Pleistocene sedimentary complex. It consists of various association of colluvial, loess and soil deposits and overlies a lower section which contains a distinguished Lower Pleistocene malacofauna (Kovanda, Smolíková, Fejfar 1982). Despite a complicated lithologic development marked by three conspicuous hiatuses only poor assemblages were washed out from the upper part of the section. They contain representatives of glacial, transitional and extremely glacial loess-related molluscan species. Unfortunately, it cannot be established whether we are faced with a single, complicated glacial or whether the section consists of several stadials within old glacials of different age in superposition. Based on lithologic and paleo-malaco-zoological analogues, the upper part of the sequence is much younger than the underlying Lower Pleistocene sediment accumulations.