Hazardous geodynamical phenomena in the territory of Kosmonosy Heights


Jan Rybář, Jiří Rout, Tomáš Nýdl

Geoscience Research Reports 37, 2004 (GRR for 2003), pages 73–75

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Systematic slope deformation investigations in the territory of Kosmonosy Heights of the Jizera River District took place in 2003. The presence of compact intrusive nefelinite bodies in higher parts of the slopes affects negatively the slope stability in lower parts built by Upper Cretaceous clayey rocks. Mapping included also documentation of disruption of technical objects caused by shrinkage of volumetrically unstable Cretaceous limy claystones. Apart of special engineering-geological maps even prognostic landslide susceptibility maps 1 : 10 000 were prepared.