Assemblage of echinoderms (Cystoidea and Blastoidea) from the basal layers of the Králův Dvůr Formation (Upper Ordovician, Barrandian area, Czech Republic)


Radek Mikuláš, Rudolf Prokop

Geoscience Research Reports 36, 2003 (GRR for 2002), pages 133–134
Map sheets: Praha (12-24)

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Basal layers of the Kralův Dvůr formation Series (&base of the Ashgillian) in the area of Prague provided echinoderm taxa Mespilocystites sp. n., Echinosphaerites querendus BARR., Heliocrinites sp., Haplosphaeronis sp. (sp. n.), fragments of crinoids (Cyclocaudex sp.), ophiuroids (Taeniaster bohemicus PETR), and machaeridians (Plumulites fraternus BARR.) The assemblage shows rapid lateral changes, and the existence of relatively shallow-water sites nearby the presently preserved fill of the basin.