Geological interpretation of the complex geophysical research north of the Jeseník town


Jiří Dohnal, Zdeněk Jáně, Jaroslav Kněz, Ladislav Zima

Geoscience Research Reports 35, 2002 (GRR for 2001), pages 178–180
Map sheets: Jeseník (14-22)

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A complex geophysical research was realized to the north of the Jeseník town in Jeseníky mountains by the Department of Applied Geophysics. The locality is situated in metamorphic rocks of the Žulová pluton's mantle. An area of 500x600 m was explored by means of several geoelectrical methods (pole-dipole/dipole-pole resistivity profiling, multi-electrode resistivity measurement, very low frequency method) magnetometry and atmogeochemistry (content of Ca, Na, Mg, K, Fe). There were several conductive lines determined in the study area, these lines were interpreted as a manifestation of WNW-ESE and NNE-SSW tectonic faults. two zones of higher resisivities represent faults. two zones of higher resisivities represent fault blocks of quartzites (or calc-silicate rocks), while the magnetic anomalies indicate presence of amphibolite bodies. Most of the atmogeochemical indications are coupled with the interpreted fault lines.