Early Autunian volcanics of the Kozákov-hill, N-Bohemia


Ferry Fediuk

Geoscience Research Reports 35, 2002 (GRR for 2001), pages 27–30

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The classic locality of the Votrubec-quarry on the Kozákov-hill offers not only a wide scale of minerals but also a series of remarkable phenomena in Early Permian volcanics. Seven lava sheets, spread on a wet, transvaporization producing substratum and one tuffitic interlayer can be recognized here. The lava movement produced typical structural features such as the elongation of amgdules and rolling and ropy fabrics. It can be concluded from them that the lava flow took place from E to W running oblique to the actual, tectonically modified dip of the lava sheets. The sheets show systematic trends of chemical changes from the lowest to the highest one which can be attributed to the gradual mild fractionation of the same magmatic source. Trachybasalts in the lower part and basaltic trachyandesites in the upper section represent its product.