Brittle deformation of Devonian limestones along the Očkov Fault, Čertovy schody Quarry


Jiří Adamovič

Geoscience Research Reports 35, 2002 (GRR for 2001), pages 12–13

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Brittle deformations in Devonian limestones were documented and analysed in the Čertovy schody Quarry, in the zone of the Očkov Fault forming the northern limit of distribution for the Koněprusy Limestone. The NW part of the quarry is dominated by E-W-striking joints and shear faults with signs (slickensides) of right-lateral strike movement. No movement was observed on N-S-striking subvertical calcite veins in the NE part of the quarry, however, those dipping SW show a combination of a strike-slip component and a reverse dip-slip component. The set of preserved kinematic indicators suggests NW-SE compression for the last period of fault reactivation.