Weathering products of Neoproterozoic volcanic rocks in Kralupy nad Vltavou, Central Bohemia


Oldřich Holásek, Marcela Stárková

Geoscience Research Reports 47, 2014 (GRR for 2013), pages 55–58

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Profiles of multi clays and silts of weathering products of Neoproterozoic spilites were studied in locality Kralupy nad Vltavou. The clays and silts are processed by solifluction. X-ray diffraction revealed composition mainly of kaolinite, quartz, mixed-layered illite/smectite (R1), and calcite. In some layers is important the presence of mineral of chlorite group or/and goethite, which primarily caused red-brown or grey-blue colour of sediments. The colours reflect changing weathering condition in changing climate before Quaternary.


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