The Mšeno-Roudnice Basin: Reinterpretation of Geological and Geophysical Data


Jiří Skopec, Jiří Pešek, Miroslav Kobr

Geoscience Research Reports 34, 2001 (GRR for 2000), pages 140–141

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The Mšeno-Roudnice Basin is one of the Central Bohemian Carboniferous Basin. It is covered by up to 300 m thick platform sediments of the Upper Cretaceous Basin. The Carboniferous fill of the basin is composed of four main lithostratigraphic units: Plzeň-Kladno Formation, Týnec Formation, Slaný Formation and Líně Formation (Westphalian C/D to Stephanian C). The total thickness of the Carboniferous fill was strongly influenced by pre-Cenomanian erosion ranging from several tens of metres in the south up to nearly 1 km in the basin centre. The basin was explored by deep boreholes drilled down to the crystalline basement, by shallower boreholes finished within the Carboniferous fill and by a grid of reflection seismic profiles. The research could be realized due to some boreholes close to the seismic CRP lines and locally favourable seismological conditions. Fossil stream pattern was reconstructed, in which rivers eroded the upper part of the Slaný Formation (Stephanian B/C) and/or the lower part of the Líně Formation. The cause of erosions were tectonic movements occurring towards Late Stephanian giving rise to sunken and elevated blocks. This resulted in erosional activity of ancient streams. The depth of the river beds close to Mělník reaches up to 200 m forming anomalous elements withnin the Slaný and Líně Formations.