Publisher © Czech Geological Survey, ISSN: 2336-5757 (online), 0514-8057 (print)

Development of the Casita stratovolcano relief, Nicaragua


Jiří Šebesta

Geoscience Research Reports 33, 2000 (GRR for 1999), pages 166–168

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The volcanic group of San Cristobal and Casita stratovolcanos is part of the Nicaragua volcanic chain. Geologically it is very young - Plio-Pleistocene to recent. Casita is a dormant volcano with some fumarole fields only. Select parts of the volcano body are hydrothermally altered. Thisck colluvim covers the altered slopes of the Casita volcano. These are suitable for intensive mass movements of material, especially sliding and erosion. In 1998, end of october a huge catastrophic earthflow affected the southern slope of the Casita volcano. The accumulation area on the foothill are filled with polycyclic volcano fluviatile deposits. The volcano-tectonic and the exogenic development of the area is complicated due to its polycyclic pattern. The whole area is affected by volcanically induced geodynamic processed vulnerability, it is prone to landslides and erosion, seismic and volcanic hazards.