Publisher © Czech Geological Survey, ISSN: 2336-5757 (online), 0514-8057 (print)

Buried and fossil soils in the vicinity of León (Nicaragua)


Libuše Smolíková, Pavel Havlíček

Geoscience Research Reports 33, 2000 (GRR for 1999), pages 164–165

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Buried and fossil soils occur in the surroundings of León and on the slopes of the Casita, San Cristóbal and El Chongo volcanoes within the pyroclastic sequences. Micromorphological study identified the following types of soils: initial (raw) soil, rankers (brown ranker-entisol), braunlehms (brown plastosols-ultisols) and earthified Brownlehms and Rotlehms. Close to the Pacific Ocean palustrine soils are developed.