Articles related to sheet "TŘEBOŇ (33-11)":

Lithium-bearing phosphates and micas in Homolka leucogranite
Radmila Nahodilová, volume 55, issue 1, 2022, pages 41–50
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Soil gas and indoor radon in Quaternary sediments covering different geological basement
Pacherová,P., Barnet,I., Procházka,J., volume 44, 2011 (GRR for 2010), pages 168–171
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Dioritic rocks of the South Bohemian (Moldanubian) Batholith
Holub,F.V., Matějka,D., Koller,F., volume 36, 2003 (GRR for 2002), pages 19–20
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Geochemistry of peraluminous granites of the Central Moldanubian Pluton
Breiter,K., Koller,F., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 86–87
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Report on the Quaternary sediments on the geological map sheet 1:25 000 Horní Stropnice
Holásek,O., volume 26, 1993 (GRR for 1992), pages 34–35
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Geochemislry of stream sediments on the area between Lásenice and Rapšach, Jindřichův Hradec region
Ojuntuja,G., Saroor,A.H.M., Jelínek,E., Klečka,M., Matějka,D., volume 26, 1993 (GRR for 1992), pages 69–70
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