Articles related to sheet "KVILDA (32-11)":

Ferrocolumbite from fractionated P-rich tourmaline leucogranite linked to the Vydra Pluton (Moldanubian Batholith, Šumava Mts., Czech Republic)
Vladimír Žáček, Radek Škoda, volume 52, issue 1, 2019, pages 3–9
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Preliminary results of the geological mapping near Borová Lada (Moldanubian Zone, Bohemian Massif)
Schulmannová,B., Verner,K., volume 38, 2005 (GRR for 2004), pages 45–47
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New research of the peat bogs in the Bohemian/Bavarian Forest (Šumava Mts.)
Břízová,E., Havlíček,P., volume 37, 2004 (GRR for 2003), pages 55–56
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