Articles related to sheet "SEDLČANY (22-22)":

Cause of rapid decrease of discharge of minor streams in Central Bohemia in summer 2019, and extremely low specific runoff: effect of evapotranspiration from riparian zone and areas with shallow groundwater table
Jiří Bruthans, Renáta Kadlecová, Martin Slavík, Magdalena Králová, Tomáš Fryč, Jan Čurda, volume 53, issue 1, 2020, pages 47–54
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Mafic microgranular enclaves in the Sedlčany granite (Central Bohemian Plutonic Complex) and their relationship to dyke rocks
Holub,F.V., volume 43, 2010 (GRR for 2009), pages 211–214
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High-alumina intercalations in quartzites of the Sedlčany-Krásná Hora metamorphic "Islet" (Central Bohemia)
Fediuk,F., volume 42, 2009 (GRR for 2008), pages 152–153
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Dyke swarms of ultrapotassic melasyenite to melagranite porphyries from the Central Bohemian Plutonic Complex and the Šumava part of the Moldanubicum
Holub,F.V., Verner,K., Studená,M., Orságová,L., volume 42, 2009 (GRR for 2008), pages 17–20
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The influence of geological basement on the soil gas radon concentrations measured on Quaternary sediments
Pacherová,P., Barnet,I., volume 42, 2009 (GRR for 2008), pages 183–184
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Results of the new geological mapping in the area of Příbram
Ledvinková,V., volume 38, 2005 (GRR for 2004), pages 39–41
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Quaternary sediments on the map sheet 22-221 Sedlčany
Holásek,O., volume 37, 2004 (GRR for 2003), pages 57–58
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Spherulitic minettes from Central and Southern Bohemia
Holub,F.V., volume 37, 2004 (GRR for 2003), pages 105–106
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Petrochemistry of lamprophyres from the Central Bohemian Plutonic Complex and the Krušné hory/Erzgebirge batholith in relation to their different metallogeny
Holub,F.V., Štemprok,M., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 136–138
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