Articles related to sheet "TACHOV (11-34)":

The Bohemian Quartz Lode and adjacent vein mineralizations in western part of the Bohemian Massif: An example of fluid circulation in a shear zone
Dobeš,P., Žák,K., volume 31, 1998 (GRR for 1997), pages 48–49
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Granitoids of the Rozvadov Massif
Breiter,K., volume 27, 1994 (GRR for 1993), pages 9–10
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Phosphorus-rich alkali feldspars from some strong differentiated peraluminous granites in Bohemian Massif
Breiter,K., Frýda,J., volume 27, 1994 (GRR for 1993), pages 12–13
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