Geoscience Research Reports for 2004 (volume 38)


Results of geologic documentation activities on the Socotra island
Fediuk,F., volume 38, 2005 (GRR for 2004), pages 130–131
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Quaternary sediments in the vicinity of Somoto town (Nicaragua)
Havlíček,P., Smolíková,L., volume 38, 2005 (GRR for 2004), pages 131–133
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Quaternary sediments around the Guazapa Volcano, Central El Salvador
Havlíček,P., Vorel,T., volume 38, 2005 (GRR for 2004), pages 134–136
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Evaluation of gold potential in waste material after artisanat mining in Burkina Faso and possibilities of their further use: results of the project in 2004
Pašava,J., Bezuško,P., Komínek,E., Kříbek,B., Yameogo,F.H., Kabore,A., Zida,B., volume 38, 2005 (GRR for 2004), pages 137–139
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Comparison of Eastern and Central El Salvador volcanostratigraphy: regional vs. local validity of defined sequences
Rapprich,V., Hradecký,P., volume 38, 2005 (GRR for 2004), pages 140–141
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New data on the Upper Triassic brachiopods from the Northern Calcareous Alps
Siblík,M., volume 38, 2005 (GRR for 2004), pages 142–143
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Paleosols and soil sediments in Central Salvador
Smolíková,L., Havlíček,P., volume 38, 2005 (GRR for 2004), pages 143–145
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