Keyword "AEOLIAN SAND" in:

"Usselo soils" - the Late Glacial marker horizon identified in the Labe River region (Central Bohemia, Czech Republic)
Jan Hošek, Lenka Lisá, Přemysl Bobek, Tomáš Radoměřský, volume 52, issue 1, 2019, pages 63–70
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Quaternary geology and development of the alluvial plain of the Natural Park "Alluvial plain of the Dyje River" between Břeclav and Lednice
Havlíček,P., volume 40, 2007 (GRR for 2006), pages 58–59
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Map 13-113 Sojovice. Geology of the Little Labe River – preliminary results
Holásek,O., Havlíček,P., Stehlík,F., volume 39, 2006 (GRR for 2005), pages 21–23
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Natural Park “Alluvial plain of the Dyje River” (southern part): Quaternary geology and development of the alluvial plain
Havlíček,P., volume 39, 2006 (GRR for 2005), pages 71–73
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Map 13-131 Brandýs nad Labem – Stará Boleslav. Geology of the Middle Labe River area – preliminary results
Břízová,E., Dušek,K., Havlíček,P., Holásek,O., Manda,Š., Vodrážka,R., volume 38, 2005 (GRR for 2004), pages 19–22
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Results of geological investigations in the area of the protected locality "Osypané břehy" in 1998
Petrová,P., Novák,Z., Havlíček,P., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 116–118
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Buried soils in aeolían sands SE of Vacenovice (district Hodonín)
Havlíček,P., Smolíková,L., Vachek,M., volume 31, 1998 (GRR for 1997), pages 68–69
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