Keyword "AMPHIBOLITE" in:

Hydrothermal veins near Dukovany and their implication to subrecent seizmic activity evaluation
Přemysl Pořádek, Marek Slobodník, volume 50, issue 2, 2017, pages 203–206
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Amphibolites of the Moldanubian varied group in the Chýnov area
René,M., volume 40, 2007 (GRR for 2006), pages 136–138
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Amphibolites of the Okrouhlá Radouň uranium deposit
René,M., volume 39, 2006 (GRR for 2005), pages 125–127
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Amphibolites of the Moldanubian Zone in the area between Humpolec and Jihlava
René,M., volume 38, 2005 (GRR for 2004), pages 113–115
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Relation of Ca-rich and Ca-poor amphiboles in mctubusitcs of the Jeseník Amphibolite Mussif at Domašov. N Moravia
Fediuková,E., volume 28, 1995 (GRR for 1994), pages 50–52
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