Keyword "DYKE SWARM" in:

Permian postorogenic dykes in Southern Bohemia: K-Ar dating of the Vimperk porphyries and the Milevsko felsic microgranite (Moldanubian Unit, Czech Republic)
Vladimír Žáček, David Buriánek, Radek Škoda, Zoltán Pésckay, volume 53, issue 2, 2020, pages 137–148
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Phonolite and trachyte dykes on Huseň Hill in the Doupovské hory Mts.
Vladislav Rapprich, Zoltán Pécskay, Jan Matějů, volume 52, issue 1, 2019, pages 11–16
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Volcanic centre of the České středohoří Mts., structural aspects of its development
Cajz,V., Adamovič,J., Mrlina,J., Mach,K., volume 38, 2005 (GRR for 2004), pages 26–30
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