Source rock potential of the Menilite Formation in the Czech Republic
Petr Jirman, Eva Geršlová, Miroslav Bubík, volume 53, issue 2, 2020, pages 127–136
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New findings on stratigraphy of the Subsilesian Unit in the Jablunkov Furrow: Kopytná Stream
Miroslav Bubík, volume 50, issue 1, 2017, pages 51–56
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Maastrichtian sandstone facies of the Frýdek Formation in the Ostravice River near Baška municipality
Pavluš,J., Skupien,P., Matýsek,D., Měchová,L., volume 46, 2013 (GRR for 2012), pages 56–58
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Tectonic slices of metamorphic rocks in the sub-Silesian unit of the flysch Carpathians
Černý,P., Dudek,A., volume 35, 2002 (GRR for 2001), pages 18–20
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