Keyword "DURBACHITE" in:

Extent of the Jihlava River sediments load by geogenic elements
Kristina Majorošová, Pavel Kašperák, Milan Geršl, Eva Geršlová, volume 51, issue 2, 2018, pages 181–183
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Temporal relations of melagranite porphyry dykes and durbachitic plutons in South Bohemia
Holub,F.V., Verner,K., Schmitz,M.D., volume 45, 2012 (GRR for 2011), pages 23–25
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Durbachites of the Třebič pluton – genetic implications
Breiter,K., volume 41, 2008 (GRR for 2007), pages 143–147
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Potassic and ultrapotassic rocks in the so-called Benešov-type granitoid body, Central Bohemian Plutonic Complex
Holub,F.V., volume 38, 2005 (GRR for 2004), pages 99–100
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Some results of comparative research of durbachitic plutonic rocks from the Bohemian Massif, the Vosges and the Black Forest (Schwarzwald)
Holub,F.V., volume 38, 2005 (GRR for 2004), pages 101–102
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Dioritic rocks of the South Bohemian (Moldanubian) Batholith
Holub,F.V., Matějka,D., Koller,F., volume 36, 2003 (GRR for 2002), pages 19–20
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