Palaeoecology of selected samples from Cypris Formation (Sokolov Basin)


Jiřina Dašková, M Konzalová

Geoscience Research Reports 45, 2012 (GRR for 2011), pages 21–22
Map sheets: Sokolov (11-23)

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Palynological study of Miocene lake deposits in Sokolov Basin documented dominance of green algae colonies (Botryococcus Kutzing) often associated with bisaccate conifer pollen assigned as Botryococcus-Pinaceae palynofacies. Paleoenvironmental settings and their palynofacies have been divided into several groups: aquatic environment, mesophytic understorey plants, swamp forest, deciduous-evergreen forest, highaltitude forest and conifer forest. The majority of identified species belongs to the mega-mesothermic and mesothermic groups (14-24 °C).