The Quarry Inventories of the CR/CSR digitized, version 1.0


Richard Pokorný, Marie Tereza Peterková

Geoscience Research Reports 49, 2016, pages 75–78

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Published online: 13 August 2016

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The fully free accessible web map application The Quarry Inventories Online ver. 1.0 (Digitalizace Soupisů lomů ČSR/ČSSR ver. 1.0 in Czech), with 9958 sites of the former surface mining was made within the pilot project of the bachelor thesis at the Faculty of Environment, Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem. In addition to the detailed description of the used methods, especially the rasterization, georeferencing and vectorization of the paper maps in the ArcGIS 10.2 software, the article also summarizes the history of the quarry mapping in the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy and the Czechoslovak Republic as the added value to the mining objects digitization process. The context of the circumstances during the origin and subsequent implementation of the Quarry Inventories idea is described here in detail.
The web database comprehensively covers 40.9 % of the Czech Republic´s territory. It is the most extensive project of this kind in Europe. The well-known and by the geologists frequently used 55-volumes book series of the Quarry Inventories, published by the predecessors of the Czech Geological Survey during 1932-1961, were used as supporting data. Each database record contains metadata about the type - stone quarry, gravel pit, sand quarry, loam pit, clay pit, kaolin pit; natural pit quarry, shelf quarry; size - small = up to 1,000 m2, medium = 1,000-10,000 m2, large = over 10,000 m2; as well as the information about the serial number in the Quarry Inventory volume and the affiliation to the district or the map sheet. Besides the map visualization, the user can upload all shapefiles to the GIS software as Web Map Service (WMS) sublayers.
The map application will allow the wide geological public to easily search for the abandoned quarries, without the need of a complicated search in the relevant volume of the published Quarry Inventory.


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