Occurrence of goniatite Neoglyphioceras spirale (Phillips, 1841) from the Bohučovice quarry and its significance for stratigraphy of the Nízký Jeseník Mts. Culm sediments (Czech Republic)


Jakub Jirásek, Zdeněk Vašíček

Geoscience Research Reports 51, 2018, pages 185–188
Map sheets: Vítkov (15-34)

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Published online: 24 October 2018

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The occurrence of stratigraphically important goniatite Neoglyphioceras spirale (Phillips, 1841) is confirmed unambiguously for the second time in the Early Carboniferous (Mississippian) siliciclastic flysch of the Nízký Jeseník Mts. The studied samples described and illustrated in this paper were found in the active quarry at Bohučovice (part of the Hradec nad Moravicí municipality), 8 km south of Opava. They were deposited in the collection of the Ostrava Museum under the numbers B14024, B14025, B14026, and B14027. Four imperfectly preserved moulds and several whorl fragments with characteristic ribbing were recovered, all flattened to the bedding plane. Small involute shells show a narrow, almost point umbilical point. Ventral side was probably flatly vaulted. Whorls are densely covered by thin spiral lines.
Neoglyphioceras spirale is known from Morocco, Portugal, Great Britain, Ireland, Germany, and the Czech Republic. It is an index species for Viséan Spirale Zone of the Arnsbergites-Neoglyphioceras Genozone. Its occurrence might help to establish the boundary between the Hradec and Kyjovice members of the Hradec-Kyjovice Formation. While in the Hradec Member predominate greywackes (extracted in the quarry), the overlying Kyjovice Member is typical for presence of shales. We believe that shales with Neoglyphioceras spirale in the quarry belong to the uppermost part of the the Hradec Member. This, together with another unambiguous occurrence of this species in a quarry near Jakubčovice nad Odrou, represents fixed points of Viséan siliciclastic sedimentary sequence of the Moravo-Silesian Paleozoic Basin in ammonoid biozones.


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