A new find of scutelluid trilobite pygidium from the upper Frasnian of the Šumbera area near Brno-Líšeň (Moravian Karst, Czech Republic)


Tomáš Weiner, Hedvika Weinerová, Tomáš Viktorýn

Geoscience Research Reports 51, 2018, pages 121–125
Map sheets: Vyškov (24-41)

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Published online: 3 September 2018

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Frasnian trilobites of the Moravo-Silesian Basin are very sparse, and only several determinable specimens were previously described in detail. These include three cephala of Acuticryphops acuticeps (Kayser, 1889) from the vicinity of Hranice na Moravě and fragment of pygidium previously determined as “Scutellum costatum? Pusch, 1833 from the vicinity of the city of Brno (Hády hill, ?Šumbera). This is in contrast with relatively rich Givetian and Famennian trilobite associations of Moravia which were recorded based on several thousands of specimens. The rare occurrence of Frasnian trilobites in Moravia is probably connected with rather shallower environment which was probably not so favourable for trilobites. Currently, almost complete scutelluid pygidium was recorded from the Šumbera area near Brno. The specimen was recorded in the uppermost part of ca 1.5 m thick section of the Macocha Formation (Vilémovice Limestone). Conodonts suggest the Upper rhenana to linguiformis zones of the standard conodont zonation and the 13 Zone of the Montaigne Noire zonation (upper Frasnian). This stratigraphic span is documented by the occurrence of conodont Palmatolepis bogartensis. The time interval recorded in the section thus roughly correlates with the Kellwasser Crisis which is connected with final extinction of scutelluids. The succession is richly fossiliferous and it probably represents carbonate ramp depositional environment. The new scutelluid specimen can be tentatively determined as Torleyiscutellum? sp. (former “Scutellum costatum? s.l.) because of its similarity with other Frasnian species assigned to this genus. It is unclear whether it corresponds to the same species as the fragment of “Scutellum costatum” pygidium previously recorded by Oppenheimer in 1930 from the same area (Hády near Brno). The new specimen migth represent a new species but its erection is not possible because of the lack of an additional material necessary for description.


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