Age and origin of coarse-crystalline speleothems from the Dvoustovka Cave in the Ještěd Ridge (Liberec Region, Czech Republic)


Karel Žák, Ivan Rous, Petr Dobeš, Josef Klomínský, Helena Hercman, Šárka Matoušková

Geoscience Research Reports 51, 2018, pages 97–102

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Published online: 3 September 2018

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The Ještěd Ridge (part of the Krkonoše-Jizera Crystalline Complex; northern part of the Bohemian Massif) hosts 20 known karst caves, which are developed in marbles of Devonian age. The caves are mostly relatively small and isolated, not connected into larger cave systems. The longest one, Západní (Jítravská) Cave, currently exceeds the length of 450 m. Majority of the known caves are shorter than 50 m. Formation of these cavities was initiated under morphological conditions different from those of today, in the pre-Quaternary. The caves are developed along two systems of regional faults, one striking NW-SE and the second striking SW-NE. One of the newly found caves, about 70 m long Dvoustovka Cave, was discovered in 2015 at an elevation of ca. 795 m a.s.l., close to the Ještěd ridgeline near the Pláně pod Ještědem site. The cave hosts several speleothem types including unusual, coarse-crystalline speleothems characterized by translucent calcite crystals up to 15 mm in size (so-called dogtooth spar). These speleothems developed in several small water pools located at different elevations within the cave. Fluid inclusions and C and O stable isotope studies (Table 1) do not support their deposition from thermal water and indicate formation from usual low-temperature descending karst water. Fluid inclusions in calcite of dogtooth spar are single-phase, containing low-salinity water. The C and O isotope data lie in a range typical of usual low-temperature Quaternary speleothems of the area. The U-series dating (methods: spike addition; dissolution; chromatographic separation using TRU-resin; measurement on ICP-MS; results in Table 2) indicate an age of the coarse-crystalline speleothems fitting into the Eemian interglacial (118 ± 3 ka BP). Underground spaces of the Dvoustovka Cave are affected by numerous movements along cracks and rock collapses. While some of these movements occurred before the formation of the studied coarse-crystalline speleothems, majority of them are younger, related most probably to slope movements (mass wasting) during the last Glacial. The cave cannot keep larger stagnant pools of karst water today.


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