Spatial variations of radon concentrations and equivalent gamma dose rate at faults in the Flysch and basinal clastic sediments of Central Moravia


Ivan Barnet, Petra Pacherová, Michal Poňavič

Geoscience Research Reports 51, 2018, pages 63–67

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Published online: June 20, 2018

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The variations of radon concentrations and equivalent gamma dose rate (referred to as Rn and H´) were studied in sedimentary rocks on the contact of the Bohemian Massif and Carpathian Outer Flysch (Central Moravia) along profiles oriented perpendicularly to the supposed and detected and overthrust faults. These measurements were carried out recently on faults in the Bohemian Massif (Pacherová et al. 2016, Barnet et al. 2017). The faults in Central Moravia are characterized by a thick Quaternary cover but are thought to attain greater depths. Three areas were selected for measurements (16 profiles - 10 measured points each, inferred fault core at point 5, the measured points are 3 m apart, Rn was measured at a depth of 80 cm using a radonmeter RM 2, and H´ was measured 1 m above the ground using radiometer Gamma-Scout®). The surveyed areas are situated at Lutín close to Olomouc (localities 1-5 with supposed faults and Carboniferous metashales forming the bedrock), at Fryšták near Zlín (localities 6-11 with overthrust faults, bedrock formed by Paleocene sandstones and Cretaceous claystones), and around the Kokory near Přerov (localities 12-16 with detected faults, bedrock formed partly of Miocene sediments and Carboniferous laminated metashales). The position of individual profiles is shown in Fig. 1. The results of mutual trends of Rn and H´ along the measured profiles in all three areas (with respect to inferred fault at point 5 of each profile) are presented in Table 1. The differences in medians of Rn and H´ in individual areas are shown in Fig. 2, which can be explained by different types of faults and the bedrock geology; Fig. 3 illustrates the number of Rn and H´ maximum values around the supposed fault core at point 5 of the profile. The medians of Rn and H´ (Fig. 4) at individual profile points show the decrease in both measured parameters at point 5, while the rise of medians can be observed at points 4 and 7 of the measured profiles. This may indicate a greater extent of fault zone around relatively less permeable fault core. Similar observations were made in platform sediments of the Bohemian Massif. The results of radon and equivalent gamma dose rate variations will be used for upgrading the Complex radon information within the web mapping server of the Czech Geological Survey.


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