Using statistical and geostatistical methods to assess the occurrence and distribution of monitored elements at mining waste sites


Vít Štrupl, František Staněk, Miroslav Raus

Geoscience Research Reports 51, 2018, pages 31–34
Map sheets: Příbram (22-21)

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Published online: 15 June 2018

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The general issue of mining waste materials in the Czech Republic is dealt with by Act No. 157/2009 Coll., specifying the treatment and storage of mining wastes (Kaňka 2008). The assessment of dumped mining wastes is covered by implementing Decree No. 429/2009 Coll. The objective is to determine to what extent the dumped material may endanger the human health or the environment. The methodology for evaluation of hazardous waste disposal sites was developed as a part of the project Operational Program Environment called “Investigation of closed and abandoned mining waste facilities posing a serious risk to the environment or human health”. Using this methodology (Čížek 2012) more than 300 localities were studied, assessed and incorporated into “Inventory of Hazardous Mining Waste Facilities” (Štrupl 2013) that is a part of information system of the Czech Geological Survey, and accessible on web map application (
Antimony ores were extracted and processed near the village of Milešov (Příbram district) for about twenty years in the second half of the 19th century. Large heaps and a small mud settling pond were left after this period. In 1988, this locality was inspected, sampled and residual reserves of gold and antimony were then calculated (Mandík 1988).
The original archive data were currently studied, processed and interpreted using modern statistical and geostatistical methods, thus allowing to determine the spatial distribution of studied elements or substances with much greater accuracy. At the first step it is necessary to create a digital model of the mining waste site. Then, the values of analysed elements are generated in a regular network of points, the 3D-grid. The grids of these elements are created with visualization of the spatial location of the input data. Subsequently a digital modelling of spatial distribution follows on using different methods. Specifically, the inverse distance weighting (IDW) interpolations in variant of parameters for ellipsoid anisotropy and data selection at 50 m*50 m*2 m, the method of ordinary kriging (OK), and finally the geostatistical sequential Gaussian simulation (SGSIM) were selected and applied. Using a newly developed program called “Milesov”, it was possible to make new estimates of the contents of monitored elements. The “Milesov” program and the software Voxler and Surfer by Golden software and SGeMS (Fig. 1) were used for visualization in 2D and 3D, including processing of digital models of the examined parameters. Application of this methodology of data processing, it is also possible to refine the existing conceptual model of the site and to give a much more accurate assessment of negative impacts of dumped mining wastes on the local environment and population.


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Mandík, L. (1988): Milešovský a krásnohorský odval. Závěrečná zpráva projektu PoP. -Rudné doly Příbram, MS Čes. geol. služba. Praha.

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