New findings about the provenance of deposits of the Kroměříž Formation


Michal Francírek, Slavomír Nehyba

Geoscience Research Reports 50, 2017, pages 45–49
Map sheets: Kojetín (24-42)

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Published online: 17 May 2017

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The Kroměříž Formation (Miocene, Late Karpatian) is formed by clays, mudstones, sands, sandstones, gravels and conglomerates. This formation was deposited along the active margin of the Carpathian Foredeep in front of the Western Carpathian flysch nappes. The deposits of the Kroměříž Formation are divided into the variegated deposits, and the Holešov conglomerates. The variegated deposits are represented by “pebbly mudstones”, and are formed by an admixture of sand and gravel fractions in the clay matrix. The Holešov conglomerates can be described as “marginal clastics” and historically they were labelled with several local names, e.g., Nítkovice gravels and sands or gravels of the Zborovice type. The variegated deposits and the Holešov conglomerates differ from each other not only by lithology and petrography, but also by different source area. The provenance of deposits of the Kroměříž Formation can be specified by the chemistry of detrital garnets. The Holešov conglomerates do not reveal any significantly dominant type of detrital garnets, whereas the variegated deposits are characteristic of significant content of Alm-Prp garnets with pyrope component up to 20 vol. %. To specify the provenance, a statistical comparison of detrital garnets was carried out using the Statistica software. Based on the chemistry of detrital garnets the Silesian and Ždánice and Subsilesian units can be considered as the main source of material for the variegated deposits, and also for the Holešov conglomerates. The older Karpatian deposits (depositional units II and III sensu Francírek – Nehyba 2016) can be regarded as another potential source of the Kroměříž Formation deposits. The similarity of the older Karpatian deposits and the Kroměříž Formation deposits is demonstrated by the statistical comparison. This comparison also shows that the Lower Badenian deposits (locality Lobodice) are similar to the Kroměříž Formation deposits (locality Símře). Both the locality Lobodice and the locality Símře have a source of material from the Western Carpathian flysch nappes, but probably also from the Moravian-Silesian Paleozoic cover of the Bohemian Massif. The statistical comparison allows to distinguish the source of material for the Holešov conglomerates, and the variegated deposits. The Holešov conglomerates were supplied by material from the Ždánice and Subsilesian units (Ždánice-Hustopeče Formation), whereas the material of the variegated deposits was derived from the Silesian Unit (Krosno Formation).


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