Temporary exposure of a fossiliferous Upper Ordovician (Katian) horizon at Praha – Dolní Počernice, Czech Republic


Martin David, Filip Novotný

Geoscience Research Reports 50, 2017, pages 33–37
Map sheets: Praha (12-24)

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Published online: 17 May 2017

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Upper Ordovician sediments of Bohdalec and Králův Dvůr Formations were excavated in the eastern part of Prague, near Dolní Počernice, in 2015. The underground excavation under Národních hrdinů and Nad Rybníkem streets uncovered middle to upper parts of the Bohdalec Formation and lower to middle parts of the Králův dvůr Formation. Unfortunately, the full sequence was not accessible and was only tentatively reconstructed from the fossil content and lithology of the material deposited at a nearby dump, and scarce information about these formations in the literature. Middle parts of the Bohdalec Formation were formed by tectonically damaged siltstones and sandy carbonates of the Michle facies with typical association of common large bivalves, brachiopods and trilobites Calymenella media and Sokhretia solitaria as at other localities of this facies. The black shales with abundant pyrite in the upper parts of the Bohdalec Formation contained monotonous association of small bivalves and trilobites Onnia superba. Králův dvůr Formation was formed of light gray to dark gray claystones. The lower part was richly fossiliferous with most common trilobite Onnia ultima and brachiopods Chonetoidea sp., while the middle parts contained infrequent fossils with several separate trilobite dominated associations and poorly preserved graptolites Dicellograptus laticeps and Normalograptus angustus; light gray claystones provided associations with common illaenid and trinucleid trilobites and dark gray claystones yielded associations with common Cyclopyge marginata and rare illaenid and raphiophorid trilobites. The associations of the light gray claystones were similar to those at other localities in the Barrandian area, but differed by only rare occurrence of Amphitryon radians and Kloucekia ruderalis, and more frequent cyclopygid trilobites. The Cyclopyge dominated association was recorded in the Barrandian for the second time; previously it had occurred only at the locality of Svinaře, and represents probably a deeper water association with reduced benthos. The excavation provided a unique opportunity to study the Králův Dvůr Formation in the part of the Barrandian with almost no natural outcrops, and the large volume of material allowed to compile a list of fauna that otherwise would not be possible in the poorly fossiliferous claystones.


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