Historical and current evolution of the landslide area near Třebenice


Jan Balek, Tomáš Marek, Pavel Kadlečík

Geoscience Research Reports 48, 2015 (GRR for 2014), pages 51–54
Map sheets: Bílina (02-34)

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Published online: 12 October 2015

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České středohoří Mts. area has long been modeled by landslides. Just around the city Třebenice there are several active slope deformations. Mentioned landslide is exceptional because of its long-term activity disrupts just two linear structures. For this reason, the landslide was several times intensively investigated in the past and is therefore much better mapped than most surrounding areas. The aim of this paper is to summarize the historical and current developments in the landslide regarding its activity, its monitoring and various stabilization measures.
In the modern history, the area was several times affected by landslide causing damages on railroad line and asphalt road. In the 70s and 80s line operation had to be stopped (Fig. 1). Therefore two remedy measures were realized. First one in 70s, was focused only on railway crossing area and may have decreased groundwater levels. Despite the implementation stabilization measures further landslide occurred in 1982 on a much greater extent than the previous one. In the response to this event was the construction of new measures aiming on one hand to reduce the groundwater level and on the other hand mechanically stabilize the landslide mass. Currently the railway body is considered stable, but this fact was never been verified by measurements.
Trigonometric and extensometric measurements show displacements of some parts of landslide A up to 30 mm per year (Fig. 3). Deformations are clearly visible on road surface. Moreover, small but permanent position changes in position of some reference points indicate, that some parts of the railway body may not be absolutely stable. It appears, that some parts of the rail stabilized housing show long-term movements in the direction of the slope. New precise leveling measurements were carried in order to check vertical stability of railway body.


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