Heat flow scenario in exploration area of the Vizovické vrchy Hills using boreholes Gottwa1dov 1 and 2


Marek Goldbach, Eva Geršlová, Slavomír Nehyba, Petr Jirman

Geoscience Research Reports 48, 2015 (GRR for 2014), pages 85–90
Map sheets: Zlín (25-32)

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Published online: 12 October 2015

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The boreholes Gottwaldov 1 a 2 (G1 and G2) are comparable boreholes drilled in exploration area of the Vizovické vrchy Hills (Fig. 1). A 1D model of subsidence and the thermal history of G1 and G2 boreholes was created in order to determine the boundary conditions, heat flow, and paleowater depth (Figs 2 and 3). The measured vitrinite reflectance (% Rr) and the stabilized temperature data measured during pumping tests were used as independent calibration parameters (Hantschel – Kauerauf 2009).
The model input data represent geological assumptions and anticipations such as paleogeographic reconstructions, paleowater depth development (Fig. 2), and tectonic evolution of the basin. The basal heat flow (HF) was created using McKenzie’s model (1978), and taking into consideration typical HF values published by Allen and Allen (2006). HF values were decreased by 3 mW/m2 to reflect thrusting according to the model development (Gusterhuber et al. 2013). The recent HF values were ranging from 38 mW/m2 (G1) to 41 mW/m2 (G2) (Fig. 3).
The resulting model represents the best fit HF scenario and two alternative HF developments. The best fit HF scenario from multi 1D approach was used to verify 2D burial history modeling (Fig. 4). The 2D cross-section modelling was calibrated using similar calibration parameters as those used in 1D modelling and confirming HF decrease from multi 1D approach. Other parameters were also tested, but not fairly confirmed. An unswered question includes in particular the impact of Jurassic rift (Pícha et al. 2006), and/or the maturity increase caused by Tertiary volcanism


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