Publisher © Czech Geological Survey, ISSN: 2336-5757 (online), 0514-8057 (print)

Komatiite-meimechitic character of ultrabasic rocks of the Železný Brod Crystalline Area


Ferry Fediuk

Geoscience Research Reports 39, 2006 (GRR for 2005), pages 109–110

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Serpentinised ultrabasic rocks occurring as dykes in the epimetamorphic crystalline complex of the southern foreground of the Jizerské hory Mts., have been hitherto described under various names: picrite, serpentinite, wehrlite, serpentinised peridotite etc. Using the IUGS classification, they comply with all parameters (Si02 30 to 52%, MgO > 18 % and Na20 + K20 < 3%) for "high-Mg" volcanics and their low Ti02 content around 1 % ranges them on the komatiite/meimechite boundary. Their geochronological setting within the broad Early Paleozoic time span remains still poorly understood.