Publisher © Czech Geological Survey, ISSN: 2336-5757 (online), 0514-8057 (print)

Early Holocene tufa in the Malý dolík Valley near Bílichov (Džbán Plateau, NW Bohemia)


Vojen Ložek

Geoscience Research Reports 39, 2006 (GRR for 2005), pages 79–81
Map sheets: Rakovník (12-14)

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The studied tufa deposit is situated at the foot of Turonian marlstone slope. Its basal layers consist of marlstone scree with marly matrix and are covered by a thick sequence of very fine-grained tufas capped by a strongly calcareous rendsina soil. The tufa sequence is dominated by a typical Early Holocene Discus ruderatus-malacofauna with high numbers of Perpolita petronella, Vertigo substriata and V. angustior as well as Fruticicolafruticum that reflects a parkland corresponding to the Preboreal and early Boreal. Woodland elements appear in the uppermost layer 2 bearing a rendsina soil with woodland fauna of the Climatic Optimum. This soil developed after an erosional phase at the Boreal-Atlantic boundary that stopped the tufa formation.