Publisher © Czech Geological Survey, ISSN: 2336-5757 (online), 0514-8057 (print)

Research of the Jizera River floodplain in the surroundings of Benátky nad Jizerou


Pavel Havlíček, Jaroslav Marek, Eva Břízová

Geoscience Research Reports 39, 2006 (GRR for 2005), pages 73–75

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In connection with the designing of site remediation for Carborundum Electrite plants in Benátky nad Jizerou additional investigation was carried out. Within the scope of this survey monitoring wells were drilled and Quaternary sediments investigated. The evaluation of results helped to better understanding of the Jizera alluvial plain geology and contributed to geologic mapping of Sojovice 13-113 map in the area between Benátky nad Jizerou and Sojovice. During the geological mapping of the map sheet Sojovice 13-113 and the investigation of contamination of anthropogenic and fluvial sediments in the surroundings of Benátky nad Jizerou, we differentiated the Upper Holocene fluvial sandy-loamy sediments (the basis is dated to 1,460 ± 75 B. P., Gd-15820) in the overlying strata of the Upper Pleistocene fluvial sands and sandy gravels. Their re-sedimentation continued in places up to the Middle (4,420 ± 45 B.P., Gd-12778), or possibly up to the Upper Holocene (2,070 ± 40 B. P., Gd-12772). Furthermore, the results of investigation specified the extent of soil and groundwater contamination. As the principal contaminants petroleum hydrocarbons and chlorinated solvents were identified.