Publisher © Czech Geological Survey, ISSN: 2336-5757 (online), 0514-8057 (print)

Geological, geomorphological and palaeoecological research of the sediments in the Srní area


Eva Břízová, Pavel Havlíček, Pavel Mentlík

Geoscience Research Reports 39, 2006 (GRR for 2005), pages 61–64

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Geological, geomorphological and palaeoecological study of Quaternary sediments was conducted in connection with the geological mapping of the map sheet 22-333 Srní at a scale of 1. 25 000. Modern geomorphological research has been carried out for four years in the vicinity of the Prášilské jezero Lake. The results of the research were summarized in a hypothesis about the geomorphological origin of the landscape (Mentlík 2002, 2003, 2004). The Prášilské jezero Lake is a lake of a glacial origin. The lake is near Prášily village, below the east slope of the Poledník Mt. (1 315 ma. s. l.). The Stará Jímka area lies approximately 1 500 m to the north of the Prášilské jezero Lake. Both localities belong to the same basin of the Jezerní Potok stream. The important and interesting sediments of the glacial lake Stará Jímka have been found near the Prášilské jezero Lake. They were used for the new interpretation in relation to the geological setting of the area. Lake deposits and peat-bog sediments contained palynological and palaeoalgological assemblages. These assemblages indicate the Late Glacial (15 000-10 250 BP) and the Holocene (10 250 BP-recent).