Publisher © Czech Geological Survey, ISSN: 2336-5757 (online), 0514-8057 (print)

The inventory research or the relicts of Blanice furrow near Vlašim (Permian, Lower Autunian)


Richard Pokorný, Lukáš Kraft, Milan Bouček

Geoscience Research Reports 39, 2006 (GRR for 2005), pages 33–35

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During the years 2004-2005 the detailed field research was undertaken in the sediments of the Carboniferous-Permian pertaining to one of the six relicts of the Blanice furrow west of Vlašim. The theme of this research was the study of the fossil paleocoenosis. The literature sources describe finds of 34 fossil groups of organisms, 13 fossil taxa and genera in ca. 50 specimens were verified during the new research. Besides remains of fossil plants and animals rock fragments with veinlets documenting a mineralization represented with calcite, fluorite, pyrite, and gypsum were found.