Heavy minerals of Tertiary and Carboniferous sediments on the map sheet 11-444 Nýřany


Marcela Stárková, Zdeněk Táborský

Geoscience Research Reports 36, 2003 (GRR for 2002), pages 184–186
Map sheets: Nýřany (11-44)

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Heavy minerals were studied in sediments of the West Bohemian Tertiary relics and in Carboniferous rocks, both of fluvial origin. In Tertiary sedimentssituated at an altitude of about 350 m a. s. 1. an andalusite-sillimanite-kyanite heavy mineral association predominates over tourmaline. The Carboniferous rocks are characterized by the content of apatite, garnet, secondary minerals of iron and by higher abundance of leucoxene and biotite. Tertiary zircons are well rounded, whereas the Carboniferous grains are mostly angular.