Olivine-bearing gabbroic rocksof the South Bohemian (Moldanubian) Batholith


Dobroslav Matějka, František Holub

Geoscience Research Reports 36, 2003 (GRR for 2002), pages 171–172

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Rare occurrences of gabbroic rocks closely associated with granites of the South Bohemian Batholith correspond to gabbronorites and norites. Olivine-bearing varieties were found at three localities: they are Harbach W of Weitra (Austria), Kuří near Benešov nad Černou and Maříž W of Slavonice. These olivine gabbronorites lack the coronitic texture known from gabbroic bodies within more distant part of the Moldanubian crystalline at Nonndorf and Korolupy. Geochemical data support the idea that the coronitic and non-coronitic gabbronorites represent two distinct generations of gabbroic intrusions.