Notice about a revision of the Early Miocene carpological material from the Czech part of the Zittau Basin


Vasilis Teodoridis

Geoscience Research Reports 36, 2003 (GRR for 2002), pages 157–158

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The studied the carpological material has been obtained from several cores, of boreholes Hr-39, Hr-40, Hr-42, Hr-43, Ur-44, Hr-45, Hr-47, Hr-49 and Hr-51, which are situated in the Czech part of the Zittau Basin. 2 conifers and 39 angiosperms (including 4 taxa with uncertain systematic position) have been identified from different stratigraphical levels of the above-mentioned cores, which stratigraphically belong to the roof of the basal coal seam, the lower, middle and upper coal seams and their adjacent clastic deposits. According to the floristic analysis, assemblages of the basal, lower and middle coal seams are correlatable with the floristic Assemblage Bílina-Brandis, while the association of the upper coal seam is comparable with the Floristic Assemblage Eichelskopf-Wiesa (Mai 1995), of Early Miocene age. Vegetation of both stratigraphically different floristic associations is comparable with the extant Mixed Mesophytic forests from SE-Asia.