Correlation of the crystalline basement outcropping in the Porta Bohemica with the Saxothuringian Unit


Bedřich Mlčoch

Geoscience Research Reports 36, 2003 (GRR for 2002), pages 31–32

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New information was obtained on the character of the contact between Saxothuringian (SU) and Teplá-Barrandian Units (TBU) in the area between Karlovy Vary and Litoměřice in relation to construction of elevation model of the crystalline basement (MLČOCH ed. 2001) and new geological mapping at a scale of l : 10 000 of crystalline outcrops in Porta Bohemica. The succession granulite-orthogneiss-mica schist/paragneiss-phyllite/metabasite was established on the southeastern border of SU on several localities between Doupov and Litoměřice. Some phyllite outcrops, known before, were usually considered as Lower Palaeozoic in age, belonging to SU. One of them was described by SATTRAN and VÁNĚ (1964) from Ohře Valley, actually at the bottom of the Nechranice Dam. A similar succession occurs also in Porta Bohemica near Litoměřice, and it is more probable that phyllites and amphibolites outcropping there belong to SU and not to TBU, as was considered by POUBOVÁ (1962).