Evaluation of black shales as a source of energy in Burkina Faso and environmental impacts of their possible combustion (West Africa)


Jan Pašava, Bohdan Kříbek, Urbain Wenmenga, Petr Bezuško, Ilja Knésl

Geoscience Research Reports 35, 2002 (GRR for 2001), pages 197–200

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In 2001, Czech Geological Survey in Prague carried out a project entitled Evaluation of black shales as a source of energy and environmental impacts of their possible combustion (Burkina Faso, West Africa). This two-year project is a part of the Czech Technical Assistance Program to developing countries. The results of coal petrographic, X-ray diffraction and raman microspectroscopy studies indicate two types of organic matter. The first group of samples is represented by low altered organic matter corresponding to anthracite. These facies can be considered as a potential energetical raw material. The second group of samples is characterized by relativey highly altered organic matter which correpsonds to semigraphite. These black shales could possibility become a source of "amorphous" graphite suitable for foundry industry.