Study of content of dispersed organic matter in clastic sediments of the Karviná formation


Miloš Duraj

Geoscience Research Reports 35, 2002 (GRR for 2001), pages 148–150
Map sheets: Ostrava (15-43)

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The area of the Czech part of the Upper Silesian Basin covers about 1500 km2. It is geologically formally designated as the Ostrava-Karviná Coalfield (OKR). We can distinguish two fundamental parts: the Ostrava-Karviná part and the Podbeskydy part subdivided into the following 7 areas: Ostrava, Karviná, Příbor, Těšín, Mořkov, Frenštát and Jablunkov. In the Lower Namurian, the marine basin changed into a vast coastal accumulation platform, where at first paralic coal-bearing molasse (Ostrava Formation Lower Namurian) deposited followed by the continental coal-bearing molasse (Karviná Formation, Middle and Upper Nomurian and Westphalian age). Study of dispersed organic matter in clastic sediments (conglomerates, sandstones, siltstones and clay) was carried out on 29 specimens from Karviná layers.