Malacostratigraphical studies on Holocene depositional and erosional processes in the White Carpathians


Vojen Ložek

Geoscience Research Reports 35, 2002 (GRR for 2001), pages 136–138

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In the flysch mountain range of White Carpathians at the Slovak-Moravian frontier depositional and ersoional processes were studied on malacostratigraphically dated tufa and proluvial deposits. Pure tufa deposition corresponds to a standstill phase in colluvial/proluvial sedimentation during the Holocene Climatic Optimum. By contrast, the Late Holocene as characterized by an intense slope erosion resulting in deposition of thick proluvial cones with coarse scree. The tufa precipitation declined and the scree often covered the tufa surface. At present, both the tufa bodies and proluvial cones are mostly affected by progressive downcutting which interrupted their formation.