Exogenic natural hazards affecting middle and lower catchements of Piura and Chira rivers (Region Piura, Northern Peru)


Michal Rajchl, Tomáš Hroch, Daniel Nývlt, Jiří Šebesta, Jan Vít, Veronika Kopáčková

Geoscience Research Reports 44, 2011 (GRR for 2010), pages 218–222

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This text presents an overview of natural hazards documented in a lower and middle part of the Piura River and Chira River catchments in the Piura Region, Northern Peru. The studied areas use to be significantly affected by catastrophic damages during floods associated predominantly with the ENSO. Inundations, lateral erosion, avulsions and accumulation of sediment are the main hazards of alluvial origin. However, marine erosion, Aeolian activity, salinization of soil and slope movements are others hazards of exodynamic origin that also significantly affect some parts of the area.